Sunday, July 20, 2008


Before my memory fades, I wanted to recall who got me into science fully.
1. Dad waking me up early to watch the Space Shuttle launch.

2. High school: Mr. Arpaia (sp?) demoted me to sub "college track" generalscience for the start of 9th grade. I was not pleased, but my slacker mentality landed me there and I think he knew I couldnt a swift kick to the head. Mrs. Rierra very quickly moved me back to college track where I continued to do well in her class. Mrs. Beattie in biology kept me in college prep but moved me up again for chemistrywhereIstarted to appreciate that I was indeed capable of being intelligent. It also made me believe I was smart ... something I would later need to achieve in college again.

there also were the other outstanding teacers I had: Mrs. Altieri, Mrs Ploski, Ms Nicholari, Mrs. Stellavato, Mr. Moriarty, and possibly others.

Ms Nicholari: "Jim, you have put us all to sleep with your monotone reading." her honesty made me take seriously my enrollment in the Dale Carnegie Public speaking class.

Mrs Stell: her honest, fun, inspiring classes were great. her personality really shined through,and her passion was obvious and most appreciated.

Mrs Ploski: Always happy, always proud, and very much able and willing to pass out compliments. Algebra with her was my favorite all around class.

Mrs. Altieri: funny, smart, and a great teacher.
Mr. Moriarty: A great guy. Inspiring and passionate. Someone who was animated, intelligent, and encouraging.

3. College: Dr. Vince idone, Dr. Lance Bosart, Dr. Ray Arritt, Dr. Eyad Atollah, Dr. Sheryl Honikman, Dr. H. Richter, Dr. B. Hornbuckle, Dr. S. E. Taylor, Dr. Paul Ruscher, Dr. James O'Brien, Dr. N. LaSuer.

All of these people were inspiring and motivational. They were/are dynamic, down to earth, approachable and available. They all had something encouraging to say or share, or they were able to impart some of their passion and pass on wisdom. I am lucky Ihad them as teachers. I am also lucky because having been taught by the best I have tried to acquire those same skills. Ilook forward to the day when I can teach again.

4. the storm chase. nothing better than putting your skills to the test. Its refreshing to get out and chase and put your skills to the test. A good challenge is very motivating and inspiring. Mother nature always puts on a show worthy of quantatative and qualitative analysis and enlightenment.

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